Embark on a trip of self-discovery and discover the truth with OMN on your switch. This is true, the puzzle adventure game developed solo by Jonas Make, OMN, has arrived at Switch today. In a statement, the solo developer provided some details on the game and on his arrival on the Nintendo Switch.

I put all that I had emotionally in the creation of this game said Make in the press release, know that my first commercial project... is now available on a Nintendo console is a kid's dream become reality! OMN is a 3D adventure game. The player will travel through different environments with perfectly animated movements. In addition, players will discover puzzles, friendly creatures and curious places. Jungles with deserts and even places in the sky, the OMN trip does not lack pretty landscapes.

With the announcement of the arrival of OMN on Switch, OMN also received a trailer to present the basic gameplay.

The trailer presents some very lively visuals of OMN. In addition, the trailer takes the time to show players some puzzles encountered and, even more, some magic beasts.

OMNO Switch Release! In addition, the game has a 94% approval rate on Steam. In addition, this rating follows the summer launch not only on PC, but also on Xbox and PlayStation consoles.

The most important thing about the arrival of the game on Switch is the possibility for players to make this trip on the move. For the first time, OMN is available in a portable version so that players can take the mystical world anywhere with them.

Although OMN is a story with only 4 to 5 hours of play, the trip that it takes players is meant for those who appreciate a solo experience. OMN is available on Nintendo Switch today, get ready to take this short and soft story with you anywhere.

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