This will be the new anti system

As we were promised yesterday, the new system anti-cheat for call of duty has already been officially revealed and it has as a name ricochet . It is a new initiative by activision with which they seek to end hackers completely, and here we explain how it works.

????LIVE-  100K BR TOURNAMENT PRACTICE! | CALL OF DUTY MOBILE Basically, it consists of an anti-trap system that seeks to improve security in the part of the servers. To do so, it will make use of a kernel that will check what applications and hardware contact Call of Duty: Warzone, and in this way, detect any type of trap.

Ricochet will be an indispensable tool at the time of downloading Warzone or Vanguard , that is, you must install it Yes or Yes. But quiet, that activision promises that it will not interfere with your privacy since ricochet will only be monitored the applications that interact with call of duty, that is, it will not always be active and once Closing the game, this system will also be closed. Likewise, it will only be required for users who play on PC.

The bad news is that activision still does not give you gave a date to when it will implement this new system, however, mentioned that you will first be available at Warzone and then you will reach Vanguard .

Editor s note: Definitely this system anti-cheat is a step in the right direction to prevent other cheats to ruin the game experience for other users. There is still a need to know exactly how effective it will be, but hopefully, there will be notable changes.

Source: Activision
