SWERY New Debt Repayive Life ADV The Good Life October 15 Release Decision! Solve the mystery of the town where strange phenomena occurs frequently

PLAYISM announced that debt repayment RPG THE GOOD LIFE will be released on October 15 for PC / PS4 / Xbox ONE / Nintendo switch.

This work has WHITE OWLS, who led Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don t Die . WHITE OWLS and Panzard Lagoon etc. Debt repayment life simulation adventure developed by granding led by creator Nikki Yuko who worked. Since its announcement in 2017, it has finally reached the 4-year time, despite the cloud fundling and release postponement. The player has a photo home based in New York, and arrived at Lanny Woods in the United Kingdom, which is called the most happy town in the world . Sometimes, as well as a cat and a dog, Naomi will reveal the truth of a small boring town called hell and Rainy Woods.

Search for Rainy Woods s town and spread the scope of activity, take a picture to repay your debt, plans, grow, harvest, save money, save money, remodeling and renovating the house and garden, It seems to be investigated.

The Good Life will be released on October 15 for PC / PS4 / Xbox ONE / Nintendose switch.
