Also FIFA 22 has to do without demo

Great was the restlessness in the run-up to the FIFA 21 release, as the developer officially announced not to publish demo. EA justified the waiver to optimize the gaming experience of the new offshoot with the best possible resources - could not necessarily be felt. For FIFA 22, many fans had the hope of returning Publisher to the usual demo routine. However, they will disappoint a second year in a row.

On demand from FIFA Esport, EA confirmed, even for FIFA 22 not to publish demo - First had reported on the absence. However, an official opinion on the part of the makers does not exist, therefore a statement of the waiver remains. The community must accept this marchery without understanding completely why EA can fail the demo.

Only paid alternatives

So if you do not have an EA Play Subscriber (September 22) or pre-order of the Ultimate Edition (September 27), first own impressions of FIFA 22 can only collect the regular release on October 1. A pre-release version is correspondingly only trailers who are willing to invest additional financial resources in an EA Play subscription or the more expensive Ultimate Edition. One could talk in this course of paid demos - a practice that is to be questioned.

Also, the communication of the facts is questionable, for FIFA 21 EA had always announced itself not to release demo. This time, the final rally takes over the media, the reaction of the community may be curious.

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