US members, Children's root boxes are not exposed

On the 10th, the US Federal Senator Edward Maki and the Representative Senator Edward Maki and the House of Representatives (Lorror, Cache Casters) sent public books in 12 major games such as Sony, Nintendo, Activision Blizzard, Riot Games. All three members believe in the Democratic Party.

The main contents of the main contents are that the company is currently a loot box (Loot Box) probability item that is being subjected to a strict standard. The amount of credit card claims of the parent was increased. The rootbox is recommended to purchase before knowing what is in a package that is similar to gambling, and the current ESRB grade and child protection is not enough It is a member of a lawmaker.

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The letter was sent to the purpose of protecting the children from the root box. Children are very vulnerable to the game and the pressure associated with the root box. The three members asked whether they would apply Age Fit Design Code (AADC) to the United Kingdom in the UK.

AADC is aimed at strictly regulating data collected from children in games, websites, and SNS as a standard in September to England. From children to Nuts Technology, it contains a prohibition of adding additional data, or prohibiting personal information settings.

However, there is no root box or probabilistic item related to AADC. It is strange to associate data collection and rootbox, but the Congress has focused on a wide range of damage to children, and the Congress has attracted public attention.
