Fan Beats Halo 3 on Legendary with Guitar Her Controller

It has become a common internet tendency to see the people play old games with the unconventional devices. Some people played the piano with Goldeneye, others put a powerful glove to play Call of Duty. Whatever you can think, someone probably did it. Recently, a brave man did what many consider as impossible. He beat Halo 3 in legendary difficulty using only a Guitar Hero controller.

Those who played Halo 3 will understand how difficult it is. So, add a Guitar Hero controller only makes it more impressive. The absolute legend at the origin of this feat was a banner of the name of Super Louis 64. Although it may seem like something unthinkable for most the people, Super Louis does this kind of thing all the time. He even went so far as to beat Dark Souls 3 with two dance mats.

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After a month of grinding, I beaten halo 3 on legendary with just a controller Guitar Hero de Gaming

The Halo race, however, took a lot of time. It took about a month to Louis and finally died about 250 times. Which is really not so serious when we consider everything.

Streamers and other online artists still think of new ways to try to beat the games to distract others. People will also become more creative. We should all prepare for the next delusional idea that Super Louis 64 and his company reserve us.

Halo 3 is over 12 years old, but it did not stop The Tonnes of people to find the excuses to play the classic game. If you want to play some the old titles of Halo, make sure you choose the Master Chief collection. It is currently available on the Xbox One and will come out on PC in a few days.

